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Accelerate your digital transformation with MODS

To learn more about how MODS is advancing industrial sustainability by aligning people, processes and technology: 

  • Download our paper “Digitally transforming EPC brownfield project execution with AWP: Applying the ADKAR change management model for scalability and improved uptake”, presented at ADIPEC 2023.
  • Check out our article in Offshore 2023 Executive Perspectives: Leveraging the human influence to drive digital advantage.
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Quality data management is essential to successful digital transformation.

Digitally transforming industry supports ESG targets. Here’s how: 

EPC Innovation: On Climate Change And Construction


Adapt Or Die: How Digitalization Helps Oil & Gas Contribute To SDGs


Environmental Efficiency: A Future Trend For Energy Sector Facilities

Want to learn more?

Fill the form below to unlock our paper and receive our article. Understand how MODS brings intelligence to the strategy and execution of your digital transformation for accelerated uptake and scalability of digital technologies.

JGC and MODS: A Case Study in Digital Solutions




A significant global contributor to economic growth and industrial development, JGC Group is an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) organization committed to meeting challenges for a better world. 

The Problem: Untenable Project Costs


The five issues that JGC sought to address through their digital transformation with MODS were: 

  • To reduce cost overruns and project delays through a paper-to-digital transformation.
  • To increase productivity and minimize lost time through digital work packaging solutions and optimal allocation of resources.
  • To integrate with and enhance the efficacy of their existing in-house construction management system through removing manual processes.
  • To ensure transparency through making all project phases of their construction management (from planning and commissioning through to handover) visible, through cloud-based quality-assured data and information.
  • To support an agile future and to continue to develop intelligent industrial software in partnership with MODS, enabling remote oversight of all phases of their construction execution projects, ultimately with advanced tools including Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

The Solution: Digital Transformation With MODS


Embarking on a digital transformation journey reinforced JGC’s ethos to create a more prosperous future and to harmonize energy and the environment. 

Since joining forces with MODS in 2016, MODS has enabled the paperless construction execution of around ten significant JGC projects. These projects include: 

  • Full development of a Central Gas Plant facility in Bahrain in 2017; 
  • From the ground up development of a crude oil gathering and processing facility with a capacity of 40,000bbl per day for Sonatrach in Algeria in 2018; 
  • The construction of an LNG export terminal in Canada in 2020; and, 
  • A USD 3.5 billion refinery upgrade project for South Refineries Company in Basra, Iraq. 

The Benefits: Lower Capital Expenditure and Increased Productivity


JGC’s successful implementation of MODS software realized the following benefits:

  • 70% reduction in time spent on piping inspection test packages.
  • 35% time saved due to a reduction in human error.
  • Significant reduction in capital expenditure of construction execution; e.g. USD 3 million savings in labor costs on one oil refinery expansion project.
  • More streamlined communication with both internal and external partners.
  • Improved forecasting ability.


Benefit From Our Intelligent Industrial Software Solutions And Increase Efficiency, Enhance Safety And Reduce Carbon Footprint.


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